Activities and leisure: S
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Salisbury Support 4 Autism
Offers specifically designed services to people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, complex needs and challenging behaviour
Offers specifically designed services to people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, complex needs and challenging behaviour -
Scope Aspire Services Calderdale
Day Opportunities
Day Opportunities -
Scope Inclusion South Yorkshire
Scope to …
Scope to … -
Scrubbers Cleaning Ltd
Cleaning Service
Cleaning Service -
Sees The Day Ltd
Day Service
Day Service -
Selly Oak Live at Home Scheme
Selly Oak Live at Home Scheme provides services to reduce loneliness and social isolation. We provide Befriending visits, social groups, Dem...
Selly Oak Live at Home Scheme provides services to reduce loneliness and social isolation. We provide Befriending visits, social groups, Dementia groups, Exercise classes, light lunch groups and outings