Choose from a range of products, below.
Disclosure and Barring Service (Update Service)
£13.00 per Year
Disclosure and Barring Service (Basic Disclosure)
£40.00 per Service
Finding your Personal Assistant
£45.00 per Hour
Designing your Personal Assistant
£45.00 per Hour
Information, advice and guidance on employing a Pers...
£45.00 per Hour
Information, advice and guidance on getting a direct...
£45.00 per Hour
Employing your Personal Assistant
£50.00 per Hour
Being a Good Employer
£50.00 per Hour
Disclosure and Barring Service (Standard Disclosure)
£55.00 per Service
Employing your Personal Assistant Pack
£60.00 per Item
Disclosure and Barring Service (Enhanced Disclosure)
£60.00 per Service
Employment Checks
£60.00 per Hour