Ness M Care Services

Ness M Care Services

About this provider

We have available a house and care facility in West Drayton (Corpse Close House).

Corpse Close House is purposely designed and situated in the quiet suburb of West Drayton. Copse Close is a lovely home designed for adults with mental health problems and/or learning disabilities. The house is situated in a private cul-de-sac and has options to be offered as 2 upstairs bed room for people requiring 24hr support. It can also be offered for two individuals who will be better supported on their own on a 1:1 basis; offering 1 downstairs accommodation and 1 upstairs accommodation with separate entrances.

Naturally the individuals are assessed to establish the care and support they require within the home and community. They are assigned a key worker whose role is to build a close, positive relationship with the residents and provide the best care.

The residents are to have access to a busy program of activities to help stimulate their development and promote healthy living. They will be encouraged to be as independent as possible within their capabilities and visit a range of community facilities where possible.

Contact details

110 Swale Avenue, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE4 7GT



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