Parklands Care

Parklands Care

About this provider

Situated in the bustling market town of Thorne , The Parklands is easy to access from the M18 , has a bus stop right outside and a train station a short walk away.

The town and shops are a short distance from the home making us very much part of the community.

The Parklands is a privately owned residential home caring for older people. As well as permanent care places we also offer respite care and day care. Our policy is to ensure that we deliver high quality care and making sure our residents truly feel at home and involved in their care decisions.

We have a variety of rooms with en suite facilities , which can be decorated to suit your taste and you can even bring your own furniture. The lounges are tastefully decorated offering the chance to socialise, we also have quiet lounges and a spacious conservatory where you can enjoy the view over the picturesque park. The dining rooms give you choice where to eat our home cooked meals, made with local produce. The choices are varied and our residents are involved in formulating the menus. Of course you can also eat your meals in your room if you prefer.

We have a dedicated activities co-ordinator who organises a variety of activities to suit different tastes and abilities.The programme is varied and something for everyone including days out to the pub, on trips further afield and individual support to access the community.

Contact details

26 Ellison Street Thorne, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN8 5LD

01405 812233



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