Department of Health documents
Browse through a wide range of useful documents below.
Care Act Part 2
Care Act Guidance
General responsibilites of Local Authorities
The Care Act - who is entitled to public care and support?
The Care Act - Assessing needs and determining eligibility
The Care Act - Personalising care and support planning
The Care Act - Charging and financial assessments
The Care Act - Reforming how people pay for their care and support
The Care Act - Protecting adults from neglect and abuse
The Care Act - The law for carers
The Care Act - Continuity of care when moving between areas
The Care Act - Market oversight and provider failure
The Care Act - Transtion for children to adult care and support
The Care Act - Prisoners and people resident in approved premises
Appeals policy proposals
A Vision for Adult Social Care - Capable Communities and Active Citizens
Putting People First - A Shared Vision and Commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care
Think Local, Act Personal - Next Steps for Transforming Adult Social Care
Practical Approaches to Market and Provider Development
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Provider Service Level Agreement
Commissioning for Personalisation - A Framework for Local Authority Commissioners
Council Commissioned Personal Budgets - Opinion on Legal Implications
Council Commissioned Personal Budgets - Advice
Fair Access to Care Services Guidance on Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care
Putting People First Guidance on Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care
Department of Health Guidance on Direct Payments
Person Centred Planning - Advice for Commissioners
Person Centred Planning - Advice for Providers
Person Centred Planning - Advice for Schools
Person Centred Planning - Advice for Professionals
Personalisation through Person Centred Planning
Planning Together - Peer Support and Self Directed Support
Making a Strategic Shift to Prevention and Early Intervention - A Guide
Valuing Older Families Now - Reviewing the Support of Older Families
Putting People First in London - What Good Looks Like